1) When calling them, ask for their full business name:
When you call most legitimate locksmiths, their greeting includes the
name of their business. For example, our company’s scripted greeting is
“Thank you for calling Wooters Lock Company, LLC this is [insert name
of employee] speaking, how may I help you?” By contrast fly by night operations tend
to answer the phone with a very generic greetings such as “locksmith
services”. When calling, ask for the full legal name of their business. If they become evasive and refuse to provide this information, advise them that you will not be needing their services and call a different locksmith instead.
2) When browsing their website, there should be more than just stock photos or clip art: Most legitimate locksmiths that are online love to show off their storefront or service vehicle and post a brief bio of themselves, how they got into the locksmith trade and how they started their business. Fly by night operations on the other hand typically use generic photos that they have pirated, or they rely on royalty-free images. The webpage of a legitimate locksmith should contain photos of at least one of the following: employees in company uniform (with company name or logo to ensure they haven't pirated the image), a marked company service vehicle or a photo of the company's storefront. This can usually be found on the website's About Us page.
![]() | |
Photo taken from our About Us page Notice the lettering on my shirt. |
By being aware and knowing what to look for, you can better protect yourself against these bait-and-switch tactics. Many of these companies operate as “locksmith referral services” so even when they are tracked down, it is difficult to hold them responsible for the damages you may have incurred. Knowledge is power and by looking for the identifiers listed above, you can better protect yourself as a consumer.
If you need assistance at any time, Locksmith Dallas TX will be happy to assist you with the installation of new locks. We are free and available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. When you need assistance, we will respond promptly.
ReplyDeleteLocksmith Irving TX have trained technicians, all locksmith services, and on-call support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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ReplyDeleteIn Grand Prairie, Texas, Locksmith Grand Prairie TX is a reputable and licensed locksmith. We've been in business since 1984, so we know what we're doing when it comes to locks.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Locksmith Fort Worth TX, the leading Professional Locksmith serving the entire Fort Worth Tx and surrounding areas. Fort Worth Locksmith Tx specializes in Automobile Locksmith Services including 24 Hour Emergency Lockouts.
ReplyDeleteLocksmith Carrollton TX is proud to provide the highest level of locksmith service. If your concern is residential, industrial, or automotive, you can rest assured that our team of experienced locksmiths can complete the job – and do so quickly!